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We offer workshops and training with your PuppetBox puppets. We can run sessions for schools, colleges, staff training and Drama schools. We now offer one-to-one training over Zoom, which can cover anything from learning basic puppetry skills to specific direction on a piece you are making. Please contact us at with your individual requirements.
education pack
Head over to our SHOP to purchase.
One-hour year 10 introduction to puppetry
Three-hour year 12/13 puppetry skills and devising with puppets.
Inset training for staff on how to best use the Puppetbox.
Puppetry skills sessions at degree/diploma level.
‘I really enjoyed the workshop. Was really helpful and educational - thankyou.’
Year 12 pupil
‘A very good tool for devising’
Year 10 pupil
'The workshop was so helpful. I felt all the warm ups used clearly reflected on the end result of a performance.’
Year 13 pupil
My school bought a Puppetbox couple of months ago. They have been used so much, the students have loved them and after a Puppetbox workshop with Sophie and Annie last week have developed skills and a huge respect for the discipline... I can't recommend the box or the workshops enough. GCSE and A-level students are all now eager to use puppetry as part of their devising projects. I now see these as an essential bit of kit for a rehearsal room or class room, particularly with the prevalence of puppetry in modern theatre production of all genres- possibly even more useful than a set of masks.
Amy Hurst - Drama Teacher (Canon Slade School)
We have designed an education pack that you receive when you buy a PuppetBox set, or you can buy one it's own. The pack includes warm-ups, puppetry exercises, example lesson plans and other tips & tricks.
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